Sunday 3 May 2020

Wrote these words this morning whilst listening to Automatic For The People by R.E.M...

Wide blue eyes bright and open
Fresh clay skin a pure white canvas
Stretched tight over risen bones
Surf fizzed through adventurous souls
Naively laid down upon an alter
So called love raised a heavy knife
Rage flashed in the summer light
As it pierced remaining stone
All who you were is dead
Songs that stirred your heart
Words crafted by sons and daughters
Fathers and mothers who were brave
Brave enough to offer themselves
How they wrote through tears,
Embracing our fears
Of loss, gender and mortality
Child they led you astray
Did their poetry question
The control of a concrete empire
To encourage the wanderer
To wonder again and dance
With all that’s black and the white
Into a garden full of wildflowers
Where tears heal and offer hope
To those weary of a system

  Kris Lannen

1 comment:

Vance said...

innocence life salvation? religion & empire legacy betrayal question hindsight on foresight. This is a fantastic beautifully crafted poem, doing to me what poetry does. To me it summarizes the human condition in a fractal way. i am not very familiar with REM but,to me, the album title really connects to the poem. Will listen to it today. x